Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Poor impalpable breath!
Always gets overshadowed
By the opinionated mind.
But keeps his master's house
Clean, by going everywhere
With a bit of fresh air!

He puts his fleshy hands
On his master's shoulders
Only when really needed
When the nagging mind is left
Insufficient and exhausted
He comes out as a sigh!

Or when running up the hill
When the persistent bespectacled bookworm
Is muffled by the throbbing heart
He provides rhythm to the tired master
And prays him to go on.

Sometimes between sobs
Sometimes between laughter
Sometimes singing from a clogged nostril
With the change to an early winter

And in desperate moments of confusion
When the conscious wants to unwind
A deep breath in salvages sanity
From the tortures of the restless mind!

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