Thursday, January 28, 2010

Being Happy

I am happy because I AM.
Not because I have,
what others don't have.
Or because I could have
What others don't,
Before they could have it.
Not happy because I can shield
What I already have
From the eyes of the jealous world.
Not relatively happier than others!

Happiness is not the absence of fear.
It is the feeling you get
When you put fear, anger, jealousy
Constant longing along with avarice
All your have-nots, and could-haves
In a big cardboard box and send it off
To Timbuktu. :)
The chilled beer after all that hard work
Is Happiness.

Happiness is merely to be.
And it is very very easy. :)


Abhijit Bhave said...

or.. Chilled Beer after no work ??


Saee said...

Yeah..that too. :) But I prefer after work. :D

Abhijit Bhave said...

me too.. actually ! :-)