Saturday, December 1, 2007


Freedom is not Free,
It isn't free
It seems tied up
and comes with a price
It overhangs
and it nags

Sometimes it runs down
in streams on your face
As you try to fight the wind
On a roaring bike
It peeks through the paw marks
That the innocent puppy leaves
On a painfully vacuumed carpet
Just before the guests arrive
Or across the bridge that
Goes over the restless waves
And bypasses the uncertain tides
Going into a Free Sun
Free of the silk-draped Night
It can come down as Snowflakes
and Raindrops '
Or as a piece of unwrapped chocolate
After an honest workout

I wear it with pride
And forget to turn around
In some evil black magic moment
Freedom ties me down

Then the evident mirth over being Alone
And so blissfully Free
And my breath as I say the word
Turns into a Mockery.


शिरीष said...

Sai this is fantastic.I have translated your poem in marathi and have posted it on my blog http://shirish-wwwsaavedanacom.blogsp

Do read the same and let me know your comments.

Junius said...

nice poems u write hehe