Wednesday, October 3, 2007


What do we have between us?
That seems to set us free
Like a fragrant Gardenia on eighty five
That lingers on page three
The farther we stand, the closer we grow
Past Horizons we try to see
I see you as you see yourself
And you see everything that is not me

The Day is full of Electrochemical Detectors
And Pumps that whine in Glee
The Dusk lights up with shimmering lights
And the Night is a Reverie

There is so much room for Theatre with you
I can be all that I can be
Worry and Anger - or a Giggling Schoolgirl
Using Indifference to hide Jealousy
And the sheer amusement
Or the Happy Realization
That this nameless camaraderie
Lets you see through all the Jazz
And show me the Real Me?!!

It percolates into everything I do
And I sing as I chop the Broccoli
Scribble verses at the back of my lab book
Organize the lines methodically
For once it is not about the Future
Nor about the imperfect Past
I wonder if it is about the Present either
Or just the moments in which these Daydreams last?

Sometimes it is You and sometimes Me
Sometimes song and Sometimes hush-hush
But the Happiness and the Innocence seems to dissolve
What might stand between us.


शिरीष said...

The lines are exceptional and have emerged from within with a very melancholic note sharing a personal experience of a platonic relationship.The relationship which can not be explained in words but probably only experienced.Words sometimes are inadequate as there is much bigger world beyond the world of words.
सई खूपच छान लिहील आहेस.मला कूठेतरी शिवरंजनी चे आर्त पिळवटून टाकणारे सूर ऎकू आले.आरती प्रभूंच्या नक्षत्रांचे देणे मधल्या कविता आठवल्या,ग्रेस आठवले माझे डोळे पण जरा पाणावले ग हे वाचून!

Saee said...

hahaha is no big deal really..
Just a melancholy walk by the river. :)
Thanks a lot and you almost flatter me.
Love you loads!!

शिरीष said...

Sai if it is so then that's really great!
I swear it is not flattering.I don't review your post as a father I review them as a reader.Hats off to you!

Alien said...

I loved it.. especially the second last para... superb.. it just flows..

very nice...

Saee said...

For once I did not have to try to get it out. :)
I never even bothered about the rhyme. :)

Saee said...

@ Adonis..
Wow!! That is such a great verse
Who are you??

Anonymous said...


Even if I reveal myself
What's the use?
Just a secret admirer
Or your secret muse?


शिरीष said...

The comment of anonymous I think is the best commentary on your poem.

Choose wise, I say; yet I know not what is wise.
Aah! But I know a thing, and this for certain
Choose not a nomad, for it might come with a price
Catching-up might be fun for once, then a burden.

Fantastic! क्या बात है.

jay said...

saee! this is awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Saee, it was brilliant.
I have been reading your verses and i am quite fascinated :)